5 Tips for applying for WASH Projects

WASH projects provide crucial support for communities around the world. WASH means Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Without safe access to clean drinking water, good sanitation and hygiene, many health problems arise that disproportionally affect the poor, minorities and marginalized groups. Today, we want to specifically address tips for writing proposals in the WASH sector to support the amazing NGOs that do great work in this area.

Look at the bigger picture

It is always important to look at the bigger picture when writing a project proposal. This is particularly the case though in the WASH sector. The availability and quality of water affect so many areas of life that it is not enough to look at WASH separately. Projects always have to be embedded in a bigger strategy or vision. Make sure you clearly mention the cross-cutting themes of your proposal and that you have thought about all risks and assumptions in detail before you submit a proposal.

Address the inclusion of marginalized groups

WASH disproportionately affects poor people, minorities and marginalized groups. Make sure that your project proposal takes this into account and makes sure that all beneficiaries will be able to benefit from your project on a similar level. Equal access to WASH is key to achieving more equality in the world. Only healthy people can use their potential to the fullest. Be careful to know all your stakeholders very well before you start a project and to include everybody – particularly the most vulnerable groups.

Stay up to date with current developments

Science is constantly moving forward with new developments to make access to WASH easier, cheaper and more effective. Make sure that you stay up to date with these developments. You do not want to be the organization proposing an outdated technology or approach. You can keep up with the developments by following foundations and NGOs working in the sector, following scientific news and networking with important stakeholders.

Connect to SDGs

Image result for SDG 6


The Sustainable Development Goals from the year 2015 aim to reach several important milestones for sustainable development within the next 15 years. There is substantial funding available to work on the SDGs. SDG 6 is to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. Make sure your proposal draws a clear connection to the SDGs and shows that you want to work within this broader framework.

Keep the sustainability in mind

Sustainability is always very important to keep in mind when writing a proposal. In the WASH sector, it has particular importance though. Water is a resource that we all need to live – without water, there will be no life on earth. If you propose projects in the WASH sector, you should always consider the environmental effects they can have. Improved access to water can also mean that water resources will be exhausted more quickly – in this case, you might have to propose additional measurements so safe water. Improved hygiene can mean that there will be more wastewater that you have to deal with. Make sure that you have considered all these side effects and that you have a good sustainability plan in place.

About the author

Eva Wieners

Eva is based in Germany and has worked for nearly a decade with NGOs on the grassroots level in Nepal in the field of capacity development and promotion of sustainable agricultural practices. Before that, she worked in South America and Europe with different organizations. She holds a Ph.D. in geography and her field of research was sustainability and inclusion in development projects.

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Stephen Oumo
Stephen Oumo
6 years ago


G-Andy Jensen
G-Andy Jensen
5 years ago

I need help in proposal writing.

Proposals forNGOs
Proposals forNGOs
5 years ago
Reply to  G-Andy Jensen

Dear Andy: On our website we provide tips and tricks on everything related to proposal writing. If you have any specific question, please feel free to write to us. Thank you!

5 years ago

Beautiful article, some good inspiration right here. Thank you Eva!

Daoussem Yves
Daoussem Yves
4 years ago

je cherche un cours gratuit en Fundraising.Comment lever les fonds pour le financemebt des activités de mon organisation

Proposals forNGOs
Proposals forNGOs
4 years ago
Reply to  Daoussem Yves

Hello Daussem:
We recommend you to check Philantropia.org, we have courses on fundraising and proposal writing. Some are free and others with minial fee. Also Subscrib to our youtube channel, we do a free webinar every month on the topics.

Tumuhimbise George
Tumuhimbise George
4 years ago

Dear Eva,
Thanks for sharing all the useful knowledge,wisdom and tips.

4 years ago

Iam inspired by tips on proposal for WASH, I will write one and possibly will request for technical review before submission

Proposals forNGOs
Proposals forNGOs
4 years ago
Reply to  Kenneth

Dear Kenneth: Glad you found the article helpful.

Wilson Lakudzala
Wilson Lakudzala
4 years ago

Dear Madam,

Am very interested to your articles i need your email

Proposals forNGOs
Proposals forNGOs
4 years ago

Hello Wilson: you can reach us at info@proposalsforngos.com

3 years ago

Thanks for this help,help with hin ts to write a wash/ nutrition programm

Proposals forNGOs
Proposals forNGOs
3 years ago
Reply to  James

Dear James: I am glad that the article is helpful to you.

3 years ago

Thanks alot for the information, I want to design a wash project but I am running out of a good project idea,can you assist.

Gibutayi Florence
Gibutayi Florence
3 years ago

After we have prepared our proposal,on which link or email should we submit our proposal ?

Proposals forNGOs
3 years ago

Dear Gibutayi:
Unfortunately, We are not a funding organization and do not provide grants. We are a social enterprise that provides a platform to connect you with expert advice on proposal writing to get your amazing projects funded.

Please check out the many resources available on our site to help you on creating a fundraising strategy.

Thank you!

Lea Ladera
Lea Ladera
2 years ago

Hi Mam I am Lea Ladera from Philippines. I am thinking of a project align to Water, Hygiene and Sanitation, I just want to ask if you are willing to help us in the realization of this project that will benefit the public school students.

Proposals forNGOs
2 years ago
Reply to  Lea Ladera

Dear Lea: Unfortunately, we are not able to directly support you with this. However, we will be publishing all of our expert advice daily on this site. Subscribe to our newsletter and check back regularly for more free resources. Best wishes!


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