We give you a Concept Note template with the purpose to give grassroots NGOs a better idea of what to include in a concept note to convince the donor to get your amazing projects funded.
Concept Note Template for NGOs
It is uncommon that donors have a format for a Concept Note as they have for a full proposal. But always keep in mind that few donors might have their own templates and specific guidelines. While this template can give you an idea of how many concept notes look like, it is always imperative to follow the donor’s guidelines!
This sample has been shared by Philantropia Inc. for learning and capacity-building purposes.

Thanks for the sample. Has helped me a lot.
I do find this information useful
Grateful for accessing this bounty of opportunities for funding of NGO activities.
Grateful for this bounty of funding opportunities.
Magume Stephen
Executive Director, Action Coalition on Climate Change
Useful for beginner
Nice to see here
Great for this amazing information
Very useful information
Thank for sharing this valuable info
This is very insightful. thank you!
Looking on how to write a concept note and to get Connors.
very insight full really!!
Thanks a lot for sharing this
I’d be glad to have the sample please.
Hello Eva: We have a selected number of samples here.
Wow.Thank you for this!
thanks for the sample ,I find it useful
Dear Desta: I am glad that the article is helpful to you.
I would like to master proposal development, and as well share knowledgeable information in the group.
Hello Ozoo: We publish guides relating to proposal writing and fundraising strategy- please go through them and if there are any specific questions please feel free to contact us.
perfect and precise, helpful piece of information.
Dear Confucious:
Glad you found the article helpful.
Very much helpful actually GREAT
Dear Anwar: I’m glad you found this article helpful!
We would love it if you shared this review on our office Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/proposalsforngos. Seeing positive reviews from existing readers makes others more comfortable knowing they’ll get the support they need on topics related to fundraising and proposal writing. Thank you!
Très utile pour moi
Good morning from Kenya. This article has really opened my eyes on writing a concept note. The other day a friend asked me to draft a concept note for her, I wrote something for her, but now I know better how it is written. Thank you.