Writing a project plan as a base for a successful proposal

In many organizations, there are a lot of amazing ideas floating around, but no concrete planning taking place. When an opportunity to send a proposal comes along, everybody shifts into panic mode, because they need to start from scratch. But this is not necessary! When you have a convincing project plan for all your projects, you can use it as a base for your proposal and save a lot of time, resources, and nerves!

If you have a great idea for a project you would like to implement in your organization, you likely will need to write a project plan to present it to your fellow workers or your boss. A project plan is a comprehensive plan about what you want to do and how. It is a great chance to show that you are familiar with the topic and that you have thought through what you want to propose. It also gives you a chance to see if you have thought of everything you will need and if there are any risks or problems you might have overlooked before.

In this course we guide you step by step through the elaboration of a project plan. The number of details that you include in your plan depends a lot on the time and resources you have available to develop your project plan. But no matter if your result is three pages or 50, if you develop responses to each point we take you through, you will have collected the majority of the required details and information necessary to develop a proposal based on your project plan and present your project successfully.

In this course, you will learn

  • What is included in a project plan
  • Why do you need a project plan
  • Which questions do you need to answer to develop a project plan
  • What are the differences between a project plan and a proposal
  • How you can use your project plan to write a successful proposal

Join us today and learn how you can develop project plans that help you to get more organized and will give your fundraising the boost it needs.

About the author

Proposals forNGOs

proposalsforNGOs is an online community for global development professionals with the goal of increasing the sustainability of NGOs around the world. The enormous growth in funding opportunities, as well as NGOs over time, has made fundraising more competitive.

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Farhia Mohamud Ali
Farhia Mohamud Ali
4 years ago

Thnks Dear


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