5 Tips for Applying for Projects with Children

20 November is celebrated as World Children’s Day.

World Children’s Day was established in 1954 as Universal Children’s Day and is celebrated on this day each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare. Children are the next generation and our future, thus projects that work for children is particularly important. Children also need special protection as they cannot always stand up for themselves.

The theme of International children’s day 2021 is, “Investing in our future means investing in our children”.

As we look back on 31 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, today we want to give tips for all the great NGOs that work for the benefit of children all around the world.

Look at the bigger scheme of things

When applying for projects for children, always keep the bigger scheme of things in mind. While singular projects already might help, it is always better to take a step back and look at the situation holistically. If you are helping children through school, try to make sure that there is something waiting for them after graduation. If you want to help them do their homework, first find out why they don’t – there might be more systemic problems that are the root cause of the problems. Many times, projects for children need to focus on the entire family to have a lasting impact.

Keep the security of the children in mind

Children are vulnerable. If you want to work with children on a project, you need to make sure that they are adequately protected and safe. Many donors are also very aware of this issue. You should have a child protection policy in place and also submit this with your proposal to show that you are thinking of these issues.

Do not fall back on pity plea

It might be tempting to use pity pleas when you try to raise money to work with children. But do not fall for this trap. Only because children are not always in a position to talk for themselves does not give you the right to use them for a cause. If you use pictures or case studies that only depict children as victims, the donor might also think that you do not really respect your beneficiaries. It might even put them in danger. Make sure that you always keep the security and the best interest of the children in mind and that you do not use them – even if you think it is for their good somehow.

Make sure your project is sustainable

When you work for children, it is particularly important that you think about project sustainability before you apply. You do not want to engage with children and then run out of funding and leave them in the situation they started in. Before you even start to plan your project, you should develop a plan on how it could be sustained once the one-time funding runs out. If you have a good sustainability plan in place, this also shows the donor that you are really committed and serious about the issue you want to address.

Make sure your project is inclusive

When you are working with children, make sure your project is inclusive of all children in your area. You should eliminate any form of gender discrimination from your project and make sure that boys and girls can equally benefit from the project. Also, keep in mind if there are any marginalized groups that might be excluded. If you do not set up your projects with children in an inclusive manner, you just create the precondition for an unjust future. Every child should have the same starting chances, and your project should make sure this is the case.

Do not miss this article:

5 Tips for Proposals for Youth Projects

10 Top Tips to Write Great Project Proposals

If you are looking for a grant for children’s projects, check out The Build A World Of Play Challenge.

About the author

Eva Wieners

Eva is based in Germany and has worked for nearly a decade with NGOs on the grassroots level in Nepal in the field of capacity development and promotion of sustainable agricultural practices. Before that, she worked in South America and Europe with different organizations. She holds a Ph.D. in geography and her field of research was sustainability and inclusion in development projects.

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Noah Mofya
6 years ago

Children have become more vulnerable, women and orphans, 99% people are starving

Noah Mofya
6 years ago
Reply to  Noah Mofya

Zambia is being faced a variety of challenges ranging from the harsh economy, POVERTY, water ,education, skills training etc

Noah Mofya
6 years ago

Water, children, education, women, poverty alleviating

Noah Mofya
6 years ago

Water levels have already shown alarming kevels c

Noah Mofya
6 years ago

POVERTY people are starving

Noah Mofya
6 years ago

We need urgent aid to alleviate the suffering of

Noah Mofya
6 years ago

POVERTY levels have already shown alarming kevels

5 years ago

Thousands of families in our communities face hunger; every child deserve a better health, better education and clothes,
I, as a founder of Malaika Care Foundation in Tanzania i need your support, Aim of my ORGANIZATION is to transform the lives of orphaned children and change their life stories, build engages, retain and operate orphanages throughout the country
contact +255658123425 / fadhil.kilola@gmail.com

janvier murwanashyaka
janvier murwanashyaka
5 years ago
Reply to  Fadhil

ya you have to share with the others organisations, what happen of the others local project E.G:here in Rwanda/Kigali we have many orphanages against GENOCIDE in 1994?but not very easy to find fund we try to work as cooperative.

Deepa Singh
Deepa Singh
5 years ago

Thank you Eva, this is so helpful! I will be sharing this with our partners. I am sure they will find helpful too. Thanks for bringing all the important pieces together and giving us a clear, concise and to-the-point information in this subject.

3 years ago

we really need support for the families without steady income for their feeding,medication,school fees and shelter.Help for childofshalom

Last edited 3 years ago by Childofshalom
Future Moses Ochola
3 years ago

We as Great Change for All (GC4A) are interested Improve the quality of gender and disability-inclusive education services and teachers’ capacity to protect the wellbeing of all children and prevent the negative impact of the emergencies on learning environments.  

Last edited 3 years ago by Future Moses Ochola
David Ben Ochom
3 years ago

We support street-connected children in the areas of child protection, education, wash, health and livelihoods for their care caregivers. I would to develop a proposal that includes all those aspects in the proposal. I would wish to get connected to donors. Thanks

Proposals forNGOs
3 years ago

Dear David: With thousands of donors in the world today, we are not able to contact donors on your behalf. We suggest you check our free course on finding 50 donors in 10 minutes and building your own donor mapping: https://philantropia.org/courses/50-donors-in-10-minutes/

Godfrey Mtindi
Godfrey Mtindi
3 years ago

Our organsateon works with communities and young people n Mozambique, one of the poorest countries and affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts.

Mary Omble Wuya
3 years ago

Hello so how do we get the call for proposal.


Mary Omble Wuya
OCEAN Centre

Proposals forNGOs
3 years ago

Dear Mary: With thousands of donors in the world today, we are not able to contact donors on your behalf. We suggest you check our free course on finding 50 donors in 10 minutes and building your own donor mapping: https://philantropia.org/courses/50-donors-in-10-minutes/


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