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Sample Project Background- Mozambique

The project background is an important part of every proposal. It can be very similar to the project rationale or the project justification. It shows your donor that you did your homework and that your project is planned well. But where can you get the information and data for your project background? And how does one actually look like? Here you have an example project background for Mozambique that you can use as a blueprint. You can copy it and adjust it for your own purposes.

If you are planning or working in Mozambique then you are welcome to use this blueprint of a project background of Mozambique. Be sure to add more specific information about your own project though, and add other relevant data according to the region and place.

Project Background of Mozambique

The Republic of Mozambique is situated on the south-east of the African continent, it shares borders with six other countries: Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia to the north, Zimbabwe to the west and South Africa and Swaziland to the south. Mozambique gained its independence from Portugal on 25 June 1975. Its economy is as one of the fastest growing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa, as GDP Annual Growth Rate in Mozambique averaged 6.07 percent from 2000 until 2018.

The Indian Ocean lies to the east of Mozambique; the landscape of the plateau is savannah -more or less dry and open woodlands with tracts of shortgrass steppe. The population in Mozambique is 26,573,706 with the distribution between rural and urban areas being 64% and 36% respectively. The fertility rate of the nation is 5.08 births per woman. The ratio of child mortality is 65.9 per 1000 live births; the ratio of maternal mortality is 489 deaths per 100,000 live births. About 15.6 % of children under 5 years are suffering from malnutrition.

The annual growth of Mozambique is 3.1 percent annually as recorded in 2017/2018. Poverty has become a major challenge for the smooth development of the nation. About 46.1% of the population is still living below the poverty line, and life expectancy is only 53.7 years. The literacy rate is 58.8% with 10 years of schooling on average. The GDP of Mozambique amounts to $37.01 billion, with Agriculture only contributing 22.3% to the country’s GDP, Industry 23% and Services 54.7%.

According to Transparency International Organisation, Mozambique remains one of the most corrupt countries ranking 153 out of the recorded 180. According to UNDP Human Development Reports, Mozambique ranks 139th with high gender inequality. Diarrheal and HIV/AIDS & TB diseases have become a severe problem in Mozambique. Indeed, about 1.4 million people were living with HIV/AIDS in the country in 2009, resulting in about 74,000 deaths recorded within that same year, according to the World Health Organization reports.

If you are looking for more information, there are other sources that you could use like the OECD, World Bank or the UN. Unless otherwise indicated, the data was retrieved from the CIA World Factbook.

Country: Mozambique

Source: CIA The fact world book (unless otherwise indicated)

• Population: 26,573,706
• Density: 37.728 sq./km (The World Bank)
• Area (Rural/ Urban) – 64% /36%
• Under poverty line: 46.1%

• Literacy rate- 58.8%
• Average years of schooling- 10 years
• Average years of schooling male vs. female- 10/10

• Average life expectancy- 53.7 years
• Child mortality – 65.9/1,000 live births
• Maternal mortality- 489 deaths/100,000 live births
• Stunting/Malnourishment in children under 5 years- 15.6%
• Fertility rate – 5.08 children born/woman

• Most important sectors- Mining and Agriculture
• GDP – $37.01 billion
• Most important sectors =Agriculture, Industry and Services
• Unemployment rate- 24.5%

• % of the forested area- 43.7% (CIA The fact world book)
• Number of National Parks-6 National Parks

• Rank Gender Equality Index -0.574 (
• Child marriage-56% (20-24 yrs) 1998 (UN data)
• Human Development Index- 0.418  (
• Corruption Rank- 153/180(
• Ease of doing business- 54 (