Writing a winning proposal

Even though the first steps in the fundraising cycle are crucial for success, the proposal itself is like the holy grail of fundraising. With a bit of luck, you can still find donors without proper research and networking, but without a good proposal, you have no chance of success. We all use the word proposal all the time in the fundraising world, but what does it actually mean? In this online course, we will take a detailed look at the proposal, the parts of the proposal, and things you have to keep in mind when writing a proposal to be a successful fundraiser.
Learn everything you need to know about the proposal writing process in this online course!
The proposal is the document that you prepare for the donor to convince them that you are the perfect fit for them. A proposal has many different parts and it can be confusing at times, as definitions are very specific and applicants need to be familiar with the vocabulary. In today’s crowded fundraising world, it is important to have a proposal that shines and distinguishes itself from the many others – that need to be special and specifically well crafted. This is why we have designed this online course.
In this online course, you will learn
- What is a project proposal
- What are the most important parts of a project proposal
- Who should work on the project proposal
- What do you have to look out for before submitting a proposal
- How can you streamline your proposal to make sure there is a red threat
- How to deal with rejection
- What to do when your proposal is successful
This online course consists of
- A video with tips and tricks from our instructor Eva Wieners, where she shares her experiences from more than a decade in the fundraising field
- Lectures that will give you crucial information
- A quiz that will make sure you understood everything you need to know
- A cheat sheet with all the important information for when you are in a hurry
- A small workbook that will help you to implement the learned lessons in your organization
Don´t hesitate and learn how to develop a winning proposal today. With a strategic approach, you will see your fundraising taking a turn to the positive in no time!
Philantropia is an Approved Provider for Continuing Education in Fundraising. Full participation in “Writing a winning proposal” is applicable for 3.5 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification. CFRE is an independent certification for fundraising professionals which aims to set standards in philanthropy through a valid and reliable certification process for fundraising professionals.
Participation in this program may assist you in learning or reviewing concepts covered on the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) examination as detailed on the Test Content Outline provided by CFRE International. CFRE International does not sponsor or endorse any educational programs and the (educational program title) was not developed in conjunction with CFRE International.
Application process
Fee information: $79