In our previous article Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): A Step by Step Guide we learned that the evaluation plan is an integral part of a proposal that provides information on how and when you will test the project and how you will report your result. A donor will want to know if monitoring and evaluation is a part of your project plan. The proposal should always focus on guarantying to donors that the money invested will be accounted for.
There are two types of evaluations
Formative Evaluation and
Summative Evaluation
Formative evaluation is information on different phases of the project and Summative evaluation is the impact of the project. Your evaluation plan should include both.
Components of Evaluation Plan
The components of a good evaluation plan in a proposal are:
Conceptual Note
Give a brief introduction of the project and expected outcomes. Rewrite the message about why the donors should invest in your project. Highlight the main elements that will be monitored for the evaluation report.
Who will be involved in the evaluation?
Evaluation is usually done by the organization itself. Sometimes the donors may want an outsider like a consultant to evaluate for neutrality.
Data Type
There are two types of data- Qualitative and Quantitative.
Qualitative Data is a non-statistical collection of people’s feedback on the impact of the project and quantitative data are figures representing the project. Both types of data are indicators of measuring the project’s success or failure. Describe the data you plan to concentrate on and why.
Data Source
Data are collected using two sources- Primary and Secondary.
Primary data are accurate but time-consuming. You could use methods like meetings, surveys, interviews to collect primary data to get direct feedback from the target audience and use secondary data for the quantitative data. Explain in a line or two if you will conduct first-hand data collection process or use secondary resources and why your approach is more suitable.
Monitoring Frequency
Monitoring is the first phase of evaluation. It refers to the process of measuring and documenting progress. It is an ongoing process. Define how often monitoring will be done and how are you going to analyze the finding and bring changes if needed. It is the most challenging part of the evaluation plan. Do not overestimate nor undermine the number of monitoring phases. Plan and set up a standard timeline for monitoring the project performance.
Normally, foundations allow NGOs to designate 5-10% of the budget for their evaluation process. This may not be the case if you are applying for a small grant. In the evaluation plan, you may revisit the budgetary part of the proposal and emphasizes the need for an additional budget for the evaluation process.
Analysis and Dissemination
An analysis is defined as apresentation,usuallyinwriting,oftheresults. The evaluation plan should include the detailed action plan of analyzing the findings. The dissemination process is an account of what, when, and how the findings of the evaluation will be shared.
The evaluation plan is always defined at the end of the proposal. Designing a good project evaluation plan is essential, and it does not have to belong. Always check if the funder’s proposal guideline has stated the need to include your evaluation plan.
Priti is a Development Professional with years of experience as a Director of Operations for an American humanitarian organization in Nepal. She is a published writer and researcher focusing on international development funding and grassroots NGOs. She holds a master’s degree in Business. She oversees the team that provides support to NGOs and site users.
Hi Bidhya,
There are many consultancy firms providing end of the project evaluation. You can find I/NGOs’ vacancy announcement for the job. Some foundation will ask you to hire a program evaluation consultant through the tender process. Which can be a burden but there are a number of benefits of hiring a consultant. It not only shows your transparency to grant provides but also helps to identify strengths and weaknesses of the program and your organization as a whole from outsider’s viewpoint.
Dear Abubakar: Unfortunately, we are not able to write a proposal for you. However, we will be publishing all of our expert advice daily to this site. So subscribe to our newsletter and check back regularly for more free resources!
5 years ago
very thanks
Poshan Senchuri
4 years ago
It would be nice if you could make a webinar focusing on Basic Monitoring
Dear Poshan: thank you for your suggestion. We will design a webinar very soon on the topic.
krishna kumar Godar thapa
4 years ago
Dear priti sister,Wram greeting from lalitpur Lele godavari 5 nepal.Hope that you are well there.I am also godar thapa worked in disability sector in nepal.Thank you so much for your information about the humanitarian organozation propal samples and templates.thanking you so much.
Can you write more on type of consultant for evaluation.
Hi Bidhya,
There are many consultancy firms providing end of the project evaluation. You can find I/NGOs’ vacancy announcement for the job. Some foundation will ask you to hire a program evaluation consultant through the tender process. Which can be a burden but there are a number of benefits of hiring a consultant. It not only shows your transparency to grant provides but also helps to identify strengths and weaknesses of the program and your organization as a whole from outsider’s viewpoint.
HI Priti,
If you could elaborate more on each topic in upcoming post, that would be great
Thank you for your comment. I will elaborate them on my next posts.
Good point. Most of the NGOs don’t do evaluations for their project.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, most NGOs do not realize the importance to identify areas for improvement.
Hi Priti
Thank you, you give a lot on understanding this potentials step on writing evaluation proposal,
Elaborate more as God wishes you.
Please I have an NGO named Hunger Free Africa Initiative, I have received a number of advert on calk for proposals. Do you write proposal for NGOs.
Abubakar Saidu Dansadau
President Hunger free Africa Initiative
Dear Abubakar: Unfortunately, we are not able to write a proposal for you. However, we will be publishing all of our expert advice daily to this site. So subscribe to our newsletter and check back regularly for more free resources!
very thanks
It would be nice if you could make a webinar focusing on Basic Monitoring
Dear Poshan: thank you for your suggestion. We will design a webinar very soon on the topic.
Dear priti sister,Wram greeting from lalitpur Lele godavari 5 nepal.Hope that you are well there.I am also godar thapa worked in disability sector in nepal.Thank you so much for your information about the humanitarian organozation propal samples and templates.thanking you so much.
Dear Krishna: Glad you found this article helpful!
Thanks for your valuable points, as a student of development, i have taken many ideas from your article. thanks again
Dear Birendra: I am glad you found this article helpful!
very useful article. I was asked to learn M&E and apply it for our project/programmes. Thank you very much. Love to learn more on this.
Glad you found the article helpful.
Wishing you the best for the project!