Do not start writing a proposal with just a blank page. Prior to the writing stage, a lot of research must have been done. Research should identify a problem, the solution to the problem, and the steps in applying the solution. Research on the background of the problem, specific location and beneficiaries, as well as similar programs implemented before, are all important pieces which should be at hand while drafting the proposal. Additionally, it is very helpful to have a list of potential donors interested in the project area the proposal should be personalized to. It is also good to go through internal documents on the project, budgets or marketing materials for the NGO which may be included in the proposal.
Take all the above information and create an outline or draft of the proposal. Many experts also recommend creating a logframe at this stage as a basic flow of how the project is going to work. Once the problem and solution are both thoroughly understood and all the background research is ready, the challenge will not be in writing the proposal but in presenting the proposal in a way donors will understand and approve.
The state of Gender Based Violence in South Africa is very alarming and has certainly reached a state whereby we cannot turn a blind eye from it. Women and children unfortunately 90% of the time, they seem to be in the receiving end being victimized by Man. Therefore now that we have concrete evidence that man are the main perpetrators of Gender based Violence. Majority say the South African Justice system is too much lenient towards perpetrators, perpetrators commit gender based violence now and the next minute you see them in society. Moreover it is evident that that punishing them… Read more »