What’s the Difference? Project Goals vs. Objectives

Project goals and objectives are similar in that they are both the reason for why the project needs to take place. While in casual conversation the terms may be used interchangeably, in a proposal the two terms have a strict definition that should not be confused.

The goal gives direction to the project. The objectives are the specific targets the project aims to achieve to meet the goal. In short, the goal can be seen as the high-level, “shoot-for-the-stars” vision while the objectives are the grounded, well-thought-out plan to reach that vision.

Here are some other differences:

  • A project will have one goal but multiple objectives
  • Goals are set for the long-term while objectives are time-bound in the short-term
  • Goals are general while objectives are very specific
  • Goals aim for perfection while objectives are realistic
  • Goals are difficult to measure while objectives are specifically designed to be measured and evaluated
  • Goals are impossible to solve in just one project while objectives are designed to be solved in the project

Make sure to use these terms correctly in your application to avoid confusion and prove your capacity.

About the author

Alta Alonzi

Alta Alonzi is a writer and researcher focusing on international development funding and grassroots NGOs. She works with the fundraising consulting company Philantropia conducting research for clients ranging from small NGOs to UN organizations. She also works closely with FundsforNGOs running training webinars, contributing resource guides, and updating the Premium donor database.

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Patrick Olem
Patrick Olem
6 years ago

Hello thanks for such opportunity, however our organization has just register with the ministry of RRC South Sudan and we don’t have any partners what can we do to meet this opportunity.
Thanks Patrick

Priti Thapa
6 years ago
Reply to  Patrick Olem

Dear Patrick:
Work with organizations that share the same idea as you. Share your expertise, share your vision, this can be a gateway to start a project together.

Patrick Olem
Patrick Olem
6 years ago
Reply to  Priti Thapa

Thanks for your respond.

Dan Bonaventure NZEYIMANA
Dan Bonaventure NZEYIMANA
6 years ago

Dear Alta Alonzi,it is my pleasure to rad about you and i would like your assistance so that i continue making a reputable impact in my country and my region,I have a project which process fish so that I help to alleviate malnutrition i also got a market i the USA of the frozen and sun dry fish of its kind.This is my contact so that i can tell you more about me and my project.
I am waiting to read from you
Dan Bonaventure NZEYIMANA

5 years ago

OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results, which is a goal setting framework widely used by many companies.
The goal of OKR is to define how to achieve objectives through tangible, specific and measurable actions. You can check https://corvisio.com/

bahati jacob sanga
bahati jacob sanga
4 years ago

Join the discussion…
please alonzi am a Tanzanian i am looking for assistance to get a proofreader of my project proposal from abroad. can you help me?

Proposals forNGOs
Proposals forNGOs
4 years ago

Hello Bahati, Please email us at info@proposalsforngos.com with specifics and we might be able to put you in contact with a Native editor.


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