Tips to Apply for the Lemonaid & ChariTea Foundation Grant

The Lemonaid & ChariTea Foundation is calling for applications for their grant program from different areas of work. The maximum amount an organization can apply for is 50,000 € per the calendar year and the deadline for this opportunity is the 24th of February 2019.

Who can apply for the Lemonaid & ChariTea Foundation Grant?

To be able to apply for the Lemonaid & ChariTea Foundation Grant, your organization must be recognized as a charitable organization, NPO or NGO in your respective country. The countries that the foundation works in are South Africa, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina, India, and Rwanda. To be eligible, your organization has to work in one of these countries. You do not necessarily have to be registered in these countries though.

What can be funded with the Lemonaid & ChariTea Foundation Grant?

With the Lemonaid & ChariTea Foundation Grant, a wide variety of activities can be funded. The main goal of the foundation is to contribute to the sustainable improvement of social, economic and ecological structures in the Global South. At the moment, the foundation is particularly looking for projects from these areas:

  • Rural development and ecology
  • Innovation and digitalization
  • Ecotourism
  • Microcredit and financial support
  • Small business development
  • Artisan development
  • Sustainable consumption and production methods

How to apply for the Lemonaid & ChariTea Foundation Grant?

To apply for the Lemonaid & ChariTea Foundation Grant, you must fill out the application form given on the homepage. If your project is chosen for potential support, the foundation will conduct a field visit before making their final decision.

You can apply for 10,000 to 50,000 € per year for a maximum of 3 consecutive years. If your project runs longer than 3 years, you have to explain why and how the funding by the Lemonaid & ChariTea Foundation would fit into your plan. Through the years, you have to have increasing contributions by your own organization, starting at 15%.

Lemonaid & ChariTea Foundation Grant – What to look out for

The application form is accompanied by a very detailed guide for how to fill it out and how to submit the application. Make sure you follow these guidelines exactly – if they put so much work into crafting them, they definitely want you to use them extensively.

Special importance is put on the sustainability plan and a track record. Also, your goals, objectives and corresponding activities should be very well designed.

The foundation also presents you with a template for your budget. Make sure you make the best use of it and understand exactly, which number goes where. The budget form is in Excel and has several different tabs at the bottom – fill all of them out when applicable.

For the evaluation, special importance will be put on support to entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship and on the support to income-generating activities. Make sure you show them clearly in your proposal.

Do not miss this article about how to craft a winning proposal: 10 Top Tips to Write a Winning Proposal

For more information, please see this link.

Best of luck.

About the author

Eva Wieners

Eva is based in Germany and has worked for nearly a decade with NGOs on the grassroots level in Nepal in the field of capacity development and promotion of sustainable agricultural practices. Before that, she worked in South America and Europe with different organizations. She holds a Ph.D. in geography and her field of research was sustainability and inclusion in development projects.

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6 years ago

Thank you for great and carefully thought through advice


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